Azerbaijan Map

Azerbaijan officially the name of the Azerbaijan Republic (Azəricə: Republic of Azerbaijan, / ɑzæ ˌ ˌ ɾbɑjdʒɑn ɾesp ublikasɯ /), the South Caucasus state. Russia on the north side, west NORTH GEORGIA, Western Armenia, in the south and west of Iran (in Azerbaijan in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic in connection with a neighboring state) of Turkey and the neighboring state. HAZAR limit cizmektedir East Sea. A part of the majority of the population of Europe and a part of the Turkish people from Central Asia and Azerbaijan bulunan Azerilerden consists of Shia. Bakudur Capital of the country.

Muslim world’s first democratic and secular state, the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan, which was founded in 1918, BUT 1920 Sovyetler land katılmıstı Association. [5] [6] 1991de Azerbaijan gained independence again. One of the Turkic states of Azerbaijan is an independent member of the council and TURKSOYun effectively. 158 countries and 38 international organizations diplometik relationship has a membership.

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