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map of michigan

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Mişigın of Michigan or the United States is one of the states in the Midwest. Michigan native American languages, Ojibwe language, the name of the “big water” or “great lake” to mean that the first inhabitants of the region by the French word adapted from the mişigama.

Michigan, the United States in terms of population 8 great state. Also famous for the Great Lakes State Great Lakes judicial. Bordering on the province’s largest fresh water around the globe. Registered vehicles in terms of water for the 3 U.S. states sıradadıdır .. No point source in the state of a lake about 10 kilometers and 88 kilometers of coast not far from the Great Lakes.

The largest cities in Detroit, Grand Rapids, Lansing and Ann Arbor’dur. The state capital, Lansing. Mackinac State remaining on the throat of North (Upper) peninsula and the rest below (Lower) South Peninsula consists of two separate peninsulas, and many small islands. Woodward Avenue in Detroit was the first car and walked from the center of the earth, extends to the outer suburbs. This historic event is already the world’s most widely depending on the city car produced. General Motors, Ford and Chrysler cars and a lot of companies with headquarters in Detroit, and side-industry factories. North of the state in terms of natural tourism (lakes, forests, campsites, beach) is interesting despite harsh winter months.

Michigan, down (south) and down (north) to be composed of two large peninsulas. Gets down to name the peninsula and a large part of the original population live here. Michigan’lılar likened to a hand down the peninsula “where are you from Michigan?” pointing to a spot in the right hands to the question. For example, someone living in Detroit in the bottom right-hand thumb will show a little bit. This is a cause close to the city in the province by 1000. Down the peninsula at the population and natural resources although there are important tourist centers.

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