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map of rhode island

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17. United Krallık’ının a British colony in North America in the early century. Later in the United States constitute one of the colonies of Massachusetts Bay colony. Roger Williams-religious and state affairs who want each other’s departure (the first application of secularism) – because of the religious views of the city of Providence in 1636 founded the Massachusetts Bay colony edilince exported. Rhode Island declared itself a separate colony in 1664 and won its independence in 1776 Thirteen Colonies forming the United States than was the one.

Every corner of Rhode Island more than 50 km away from the sea is referred to by the name of the State of the ocean. Located adjacent to the east and north of the Massachusetts State Eyaletiyle. Connecticut is located in the west of the province. The state is located on the southern Atlantic Ocean. Is a branch of the Atlantic Ocean extends from the interior of the state’s Gulf Narrogansett. The state’s largest city, Providence is also the center of the state, culture, education, the state’s most important region in the fields of politics and economics.
Industrial Revolution began in the state of Rhode Island is known as the United States of America. Catholic sect is the only state that more than 50% of the population. Ocean coast town of Newport is the state’s second largest city in the United States is known for the famous wealthy built mansiyonlarla anchored. These mentions were opened to visitors as a museum today. Brown University is one of America’s most prestigious universities in the city of Providence.

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