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map of europe

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Europe, north Africa, west Asia and the Atlantic Ocean in the east of the peninsula.

Europe, the Sami languages ​​Erep (or IRIB), means that the sun goes down sides. Greeks, Phoenicians last of this name, in Greek according to Europa and the Aegean Sea in the west have been given this name in the country.

In addition, the mythological king of Phoenicia Agenar Telepassa’nın with his daughter’s name. IDA was kidnapped by Zeus into the shape of a bull, Zeus Minoan, named Rhadamnthys Sarppedon and has three sons; name given the peninsula.
Area sizes: 10,600,000
Population 730,000,000 people
Population density: 61 people / km ²
The highest and lowest point: Mont Blanc, 4810km (French Alps), the Caspian Sea, north-28m.
The largest lake: Lake Ladoga-18400
The largest island: Great Britain (UK)

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